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Julian Assange Policing Costs Britain $15 Mn - News via www.mid-day.com
Julian Assange policing costs Britain $15 mn - News

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Canadians in Afghanistan: They hung Keitel didn't they?

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CyberBunker DataCenters

Julian Assange Bemoans Bail Conditions That Have Led To via www.dailymail.co.uk
Julian Assange bemoans bail conditions that have led to

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Life in the 'Most Polluted' City in Russia, and one of the

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North Korea is not a threat but a sideshow

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WIKILEAKS BOMBSHELL : Hillary Gave Saudi Arabia Arms While

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Bayer deliberately infected asians and latinos with HIV

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Europe threatened with nuclear catastrophe as Ukraine's

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Scientists say giant asteroid could hit earth next week

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The most idiotic territorial claim in Chinese History

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